Italian States

ND (1189-1532) Florence. Florentine Republic. 12 Denari ND (1189-1260). CNI-XII-4.16. 1.75gm. Obv: + FLORENTIA *, Florentine lily / + IOHANNES • B •, Rev: Nimbate half-figure of John the Baptist with scepter and hand raised in benediction. A stunning piece from the early Florentine Republic, lustrous beneath gorgeous tone. Sold with a collector's flip. NGC MS-64.

Ex. Salton Collection

1620. Italian States. Guastalla. Ferrante II Gonzaga (1575-1630) Tallero. Engraver: Luca Xell. DAV-3913. Bignotti 13. Varesi 371/3 (R). CNI 79. ENH 43. Ravegnani M.18. Bellesia 60/B. KM-44. Obv: Armored and draped bust right with Spanish collar; the collar of the Golden Fleece hangs on his chest. On the sides of the field, 16-20 and below, in the circule a monogram. Rev: Coat of arms crowned and loaded with shield in the center, on the sides, two bows. An attractive example of this RARE highly collectible crown-sized issue of Italy. Ferrante II Gonzaga was count of Guastalla (later duke) and head of the junior branch of the Gonzagas, whose senior head was duke of Mantua. His attempts to seize Mantua after the death of the duke there in 1627 set off the War of the Mantuan Succession between France and Austria, both already contestants in the Thirty Years War. The counts of Guastalla (near Mantua) received the coining right from Emperor Carlo V in 1557. NGC AU-58.

Italy, Venice, Francesco Erizzo, Scudo ND (1631-46) DB. DAV-4249. CNI VIII 131; Papadopoli 51; Paolucci 9. Light champagne toning. NGC MS-63.

1650. Italy. Genova, AR Da 2 Scudi. 75.73g, 59mm, 6h. MIR 290/7; CNI 6; Lunardi 259; Davenport, Large Size 553. Obv: * IB * N * * ET * REGE * EOS, Virgin and Child on cloud, crowned with stars by cherubs from above. Rev: + DVX * ET * GVBERNATORES * REIP * GENV, cross with stars in angles. Very Rare. NGC AU-58.

1676. Biennial and governing period of the Republic, 1528-1797

Serie della III phase: 1637-1797. Scudo largo. Obv: DVX AND GVBERNATORES REIP GEN Croce patente ornata e accantonata da teste di cherubino ad ali spiegate. Rev. ET REGE – EOS – 1676 I L M La Beata Vergine con il Bambino in braccio, seduta sulle nubi, tiene nella mano d. uno scetto; in alto due angeli reggono una corona di star. CNI 6. Lunardi 286. MIR 292/9. Raro. Marginal frattura of the tondello, altrimenti Spl. NGC MS-63.

1676. Milan. Charles II of Spain Filippo. DAV-4005. KM-92. An outstanding example of a notoriously poorly struck issue. The portrait and shield motif boast atypically good articulation and little highpoint rub, the fields equally as attractive with cabinet tone and warm caramel and cobalt highlights throughout. Tied for the highest grade awarded by NGC and deserving of strong bidding activity. NGC MS-63.

1691-ITC. Genoa. 2 Scudi. Genoa Mint. DAV-LS553. 56mm. 76.17gm. Obv: ET REGE EOS 1691 ITC Madonna and child on clouds, two cherubs and stars above. Rev: GVBERNATORES REIP GENV DVX ornate cross with four winged cherub heads in angles. This charming, finely minted piece is distinguished by its sharp details and a classic gunmetal patina acquired over a long period of time. NGC AU-58.

1718. Italian States. Granduchy of Tuscany. Livorno Mint. Cosimo III de' Medici (1670-1723) Pezza Della Rosa Tallero. 43mm. 25.64gr. DAV-1501; CNI 102; Galeotti 12. Obv: Crowned arms of Medici, unbroken legend .COSMVS.III.D.G. M.DVX.ETRVRIAE with date 1718. Rev: Rose brush, GRATIA OBVIA VLTIO QVAESTIA. LIBVRNI. Scarce. PCGS MS-64.

1687. Livorno. Cosimo III de'Medici Tallero. Livorno mint, KM16.4, DAV-4215. The sole certified example of this date at NGC, and perhaps the finest of all examples that we could locate having sold publicly in the last decade based on photographic comparison. Decorated in a bright sheet of rolling argent luster that sparkles intensely across micro-granular flow lines which contour the devices and peripheral legends, this choice conditional rarity is further notable for its use as the "plate coin" in NGC's online price guide. NGC MS-63.

1703. Italian States. Livorno. Cosimo III Tallero. DAV-1498. Obv: Crowned armored bust, right. Rev: Port of Livorno within roped circle. Lovely specimen of this conditionally rare issue. NGC MS-63.

1778-M. Italy. Milan. Maria Theresia (1740-1780 Scudo (6 Lire). DAV-1386. KM-C36, 23.13g. Well struck with lovely rich antique patina, satiny luster. The first regular, machine struck crown type of Milan. Very rare quality for the type as Maria Theresa was very unpopular in Milan during this period and many of the coins issued with her portrait were defaced. NGC MS-62.

1781. Venice. 129th Doge, Paolo Renier (1779-1789) Tallero - "Tallero per il Levante". DAV-1568. Pap-84; Paolucci-35; Montenegro-3104. KM-C104. Obv: Allegorical female bust of Republic to right, wearing tiara and doge's ermine robe, legend ends with arabesque. Lettering: RESPUBLICA VENETA. Rev: Nimbate Lion of St. Mark seated to right on pedestal with A on left edge, S on right edge, open book in forepaws, date in exergue. Lettering: PAULO RAINERIO DUCE ·A· ·S· (Antonio Schabel, Engraver) 1781. This type was struck 1781-88 and does not turn up often. It was accompanied by one-eighth, one quarter and one half tallero coins. The Republic was occupied by Napoleon in 1797 and traded by him to Austria, which held it until 1866. PCGS MS-65.

1793-M. Italian States. Holy Roman Emperor Francis II (1792-1806) Croccione (Kronentaler). Milan Mint. DAV-1390. KM-C59.1. Flawless strike, lustrous without the commonly found adjustment marks. Reverse crowns are impeccable in detail. NGC MS-64.

1824-M. Italian States. Lombardy-Venetia. Emperor Franz I of Austria (1792-1835) Scudo. Milan mint. DAV-8. KM-C8.1, Herinek 542, MIR 504/3, Crippa 5 / C, CNI 34, Pagani 122, Zadra VIII. 38.8mm, 25.96gr. Obv. Laureate but of Austrian Emperor Franz II (I). Rev. Crowned double-headed eagle with arms on breast. Impressively struck, the devices cloaked in vibrant cerulean and seafoam tones over surfaces demonstrating clear underlying luster. NGC MS-65+.
1824-M. Italian States. Lombardy-Venetia. Emperor Franz I of Austria (1792-1835) 1/2 Scudo. Milan mint. KM-C-7.2; Gig-58; Mont-355. Obv. Laureate but of Austrian Emperor Franz II (I). Rev. Crowned double-headed eagle with arms on breast. Impressively struck, the devices cloaked in vibrant cerulean and seafoam tones over surfaces demonstrating clear underlying luster. NGC MS-63.

1826-V. Italian States. Lombardy-Venetia. Emperor Franz I of Austria (1792-1835) Scudo. Venice mint. DAV-8. KM-C8.3. Her-554; J.-228. 38.8mm, 25.96gr. Obv. Laureate but of Austrian Emperor Franz II (I). Rev. Crowned double-headed eagle with arms on breast. Impressively struck, the devices cloaked in vibrant cerulean and seafoam tones over surfaces demonstrating clear underlying luster. NGC MS-63.

1827-M. Italian States. Lombardy-Venetia. Emperor Franz I of Austria (1792-1835) Scudo. Milan mint. DAV-8. KM-C8.1, 38.8mm, 25.96gr. Obv. Laureate but of Austrian Emperor Franz II (I). Rev. Crowned double-headed eagle with arms on breast. Impressively struck, the devices cloaked in vibrant cerulean and seafoam tones over surfaces demonstrating clear underlying luster. NGC MS-63.

1733 CP SM. Sicily (Kingdom). Palermo Mint. Carlo III di Spagna (1720-1735) AR Oncia – 30 Tarì (55mm, 73.19 g, 6h). DAV-1414. KM-134. MIR 516. Spahr 54. Obv: Laureate head right. Rev: Crowned eagle facing with wings spread, head left; radiant sun above. NGC AU-55.

1791 GL CIITALY. Sicily (Regno). Palermo Mint. Ferdinando III (1759-1816) AR Oncia da 30 Tarì (58mm, 68.22 g, 5h). MIR 597; Spahr 2; KM (C) 37a; Davenport 1420. Obv: Dated Cuirassed bust right. Rev: Phoenix rising from flames; head left, wings spread; radiant sun above. Rich cabinet toning, a few minor marks, scratch, flan flaw by rim. NGC MS-60.

1793 Nd-OV. Sicily. Ferdinando III Oncia (30 Tari) 1793 Nd-OV. Palermo mint, KM-227, DAV-1422. 68.17gm. Nicola d'Orgemont Vigevi as mintmaster. Obv. Armored bust of Ferdinando right with value below. Rev. Phoenix rising from the flames with date below. Exceptionally well-preserved for the type, exhibiting lustrous satin surfaces sheathed in sleek gunmetal patina, honey-gold accents fittingly draped across the sun's rays and the Phoenix's torso. Minimally handled with great care, and absolutely choice to say the least! NGC MS-63.

1793 Nd-OV. Sicily. Ferdinando III Oncia (30 Tari) 1793 Nd-OV. Palermo mint, KM-227, DAV-1422. 68.17gm. Nicola d'Orgemont Vigevi as mintmaster. Obv. Armored bust of Ferdinando right with value below. Rev. Phoenix rising from the flames with date below. Choice piece. NGC MS-63.

1816. Sardinia. Vittorio Emanuele I 5 Lire 1816 (Eagle)-L. Turin mint. DAV-133. KM-113. Pag-10. Mont-24 (R2), MIR-1030a (R2). A show-stopping and in all respects magnificent offering for the elusive first-year of this seldom-seen type, the surfaces retaining seemingly unmatched originality that showcases pinpoint design details, only the most inconsequential instances of contact and a remarkable palette of tone that is composed of silver and olive in the open areas and darkens around the raised surfaces to further embolden the motifs. For the sake of completeness, we note a small planchet inclusion in the upper left portion of the shield on the reverse, but its presence is absolutely trivial on the whole. Truly a magnificent coin!...and one that could quite possibly shoot right past our estimate range, as it's difficult to predict when the next opportunity to acquire another example of this date in this immense quality will come along. NGC MS-64.


From the D. Moore Collection

1830. Italian Kingdom. Kingdom of Sardinia. Genoa Mint. Carlo Felice (1821-1831) 5 Lire. KM-116.2. Pagani-74. Gig-47, Montenegro-66. MIR-1035. Lusterous coin. NGC MS-63. 

1830. Italy, Papal States. Rome Mint. Pietro Francesco Galleffi (Sede Vacante) (1830-1831) Scudo. DAV-190. KM-1311, Munt- 2, 4. MIR-3090, Pag-152-128. Lovely iridescent toning. NGC MS-66.

1846. ITALY. Florence Mint, Tuscany. Leopold II 4 Fiorini, Francescone (10 Paoli). DAV-160; KM-C-75B. An incredibly unrivaled Gem, this monumental crown, displaying an exceptional cabinet tone with a great pullaway effect, stands alone atop the PCGS census report, and was once described a "exemplaire de présentation" when it appeared in a 2012 Numismatica Genevensis auction. As such, a coin that should also stand rather tall in the next collection into which it enters. PCGS MS-65.

Provenance: Ex: Numismatica Genevensis 7 (11/2012) Lot # 1427

1911-R. Italy. Rome Mint. Victor Emmanuel III (1900-1946) 5 Lire struck for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the kingdom. NGC MS-65+.

1928-R. Italy. Rome Mint. KM-70. Victor Emmanuel III (1900-1946) 20 Lire commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the end of World War I. Lusterous issues. NGC MS-64.Virio Emanuele III 20 Lire Anno VI (1928)-R AU58 

1918-R. Eritrea. Rome Mint. Vittorio Emanuele III. DAV-28. KM-5. A completely charming single year issue from this Italian colony. Lovely colorful patina with much luster evenly laired on both sides. NGC MS-64.

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